
The RIESGOS project was completed on 29.02.2024. The content of this website will no longer be updated.

Scenario-based multi-risk assessment in the Andes region

In recent decades, the risk to society due to natural hazards has increased globally. To counteract this trend, effective risk management is necessary, for which reliable information is essential. Most existing natural hazard and risk information systems address only single components of a complex risk assessment chain, such as, for instance, focusing on specific hazards or simple loss measures. Complex interactions, such as cascading effects, are typically not considered, as well as many of the underlying sources of uncertainty. This can lead to inadequate or even miss-leading risk management strategies, thus hindering efficient prevention and mitigation measures, and ultimately undermining the resilience of societies.

Therefore, experts from different disciplines work together in the joint project RIESGOS 2.0 (Scenario-based multi-risk assessment in the Andes region) and develop innovative scientific methods for the evaluation of complex multi-risk situations with the aim to transfer the results as web services into a demonstrator for a multi-risk information system. The project RIESGOS 2.0 builds on the achievements of the predecessor project RIESGOS (Spanish for “risks”).

RIESGOS 2.0 is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the funding measure “CLIENT II – International partnerships for sustainable innovations” of the framework programme “Research for Sustainable Development (FONA)”.

The project is supervised by the Project Management Jülich (PtJ).

The coordination of the project is under the responsibility of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).


Duration: 01/03/2021 to 29/02/2024
Funding code: 03G0905A-H


Duration: 01/11/2017 to 28/02/2021
Funding code: 03G0876A-J

The project

Assessing risks more accurately

Increasing numbers of people worldwide are being exposed to natural hazards, particularly in densely populated cities and conurbations. Effective prevention and risk management can save lives. Hazards are rarely isolated: If an earthquake triggers a tsunami, this in turn can generate further environmental disasters and disruptions. Torrential rain can cause landslides and lead to rivers bursting their banks, resulting in flooding. These chain reactions can compound a disaster and quickly overwhelm victims and rescue workers. Information systems can help planners and emergency services to pre-emptively draw up multi-risk scenarios and to take targeted precautions.

The project RIESGOS 2.0 builds on the achievements of its predecessor, RIESGOS (Spanish for “risks”). RIESGOS designed and demonstrated a new method for modelling and simulating complex multi-risk situations, using the Andes as an example region. Over the period of three years, central research questions are addressed to substantially expand the approach and strengthen the potential for practical implementation. To achieve the project goal, the team works in the three closely interlinked areas of research, development and application.

Interactive tool for multi-risk analysis

RIESGOS 2.0 will be used to analyse potential disaster scenarios based on particularly endangered pilot regions in Chile, Ecuador and Peru. The project utilises techniques from geophysics, hydrology, geology, geography, geostatistics and remote sensing, as well as from existing initiatives and services employed by South American institutions.

The results from the research are transferred as web services into a demonstrator for a multi-risk information system. The demonstrator is based on a modular and scalable concept and is designed in a decentralized manner. A web platform allows users to simulate and model how various natural hazards, such as earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, floods and tsunamis, would progress and interact. It is also able to consider the impacts on critical infrastructure such as power grids.

Potential users, such as emergency services, planners and relief organisations, should be able to simulate and assess different future scenarios.

Towards a practical application

The development team is, in close collaboration with local and national stakeholders, optimizing the demonstrator platform for its practical applicability and supports the local institutions with trainings and workshops.

The developments are open source and compliant with international standards, allowing them to be integrated into existing system environments. This will provide the basis for a sustainable use of the results from the project in partner countries. In future, it will be possible to integrate elements of the platform into country-specific information systems and used, for example, for risk communication. Further potential applications are seen in risk prevention or precautionary planning. This opens new possibilities for authorities, for example, to better adapt land use planning to possible multi-risk scenarios and to increase risk awareness among the public.

The elaboration of possible perspectives for an economic exploitation of the project results is another important component. The SMEs involved in the project are collaborating with the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) in Chile, Ecuador and Peru on cooperation and business models, etc.

Pilot regions

To understand, describe and quantify multi-risk situations the project team works with stories (specific case studies) in selected pilot regions in Chile, Ecuador and Peru. These stories represent realistic multi-risk situations with cascading effects. For each story, a storyboard has been developed, which provides a general description of a situation, defines specific hazards, and the related vulnerabilities and consequences of the impact of some event or events. The resulting stories will provide a learning environment and will guide the team in the development of web components and services, which form the basis for the demonstrator.

Coastal area of Greater Valparaíso: Earthquakes, tsunamis and critical infrastructure

Metropolitan Lima and Callao: Earthquakes, tsunamis and critical infrastructure

Cotopaxi volcano and surroundings: Volcanic activities, lahars, landslides, floods and critical infrastructure


The RIESGOS demonstrator for a multi-risk information system is based on a modular and scalable concept. It consists of a series of independent, distributed webservices, and a user interface that accesses these services. An important added value of this modular and interoperable approach is the possibility to integrate different web services into already existing system environments.

System concept

The demonstrator of RIESGOS’ Multi-Risk Information System enables users to explore, describe and quantify multi-risk situations. Main functionalities include:

  • Display and exploration of multi-risk analysis data products and information
  • Configuration of input for (remote) data processes, simulations and models
  • Orchestration of distributed web services

Graphical user interface

The Graphical User Interface of the demonstrator can be accessed from a web browser. The main screen is divided into three main display areas: the central map window, the configuration wizard for the control of each web service to the left, and the results panel to the right. The latter allows the user to select and display the processed results and to receive further information on the output.

Screenshot des RIESGOS Demonstrators (Bildrechte: DLR)
Figure: Screenshot of the RIESGOS demonstrator

The code of the Graphical User Interface (RIESGOS frontend) is published on GitHub at:

Web services

The use of standardized web services such as geospatial web services defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) allows users an open and flexible access to multi-risk information and data products. Web services and exposed data resources can be accessed using a variety of clients: from a simple command line tool, over a web browser, to existing graphical user interfaces of public authorities and companies which are equipped with a map client. OGC web services allow all kinds of geospatial functionality out-of-the-box including data access, data display, styling and processing.

Web services can easily be integrated into existing clients. The providers of web services define their products, display options and configuration items. The user interface then enables the user to visualize the web service product according to his needs. Through the clear separation in competence between web services and user interface modularity and scalability are increased. This flexibility allows for re-use of the developed RIESGOS components into other contexts, e.g. system environments of South American institutions. Institutions can in turn offer their tools as web services to be accessed by the user interface. Our user interface even allows for the selection between alternative web services with similar products, e.g. different earthquake or tsunami event catalogues.

The web services developed within RIESGOS are available on GitHub, a platform for creating and managing collaborative and free software, at:


The RIESGOS 2.0 project consists of the following scientific research institutions and SMEs:

In RIESGOS, the following institutions were additionally involved:

The German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) in Chile, Ecuador and Peru support the project in the domain of application potential analyses. In this context they are particularly in exchange with the SMEs involved in the project.

Associated partners of RIESGOS 2.0 are: GIZ, UNOOSA / UN-SPIDER, UNESCO and MunichRE.

South American actors

RIESGOS 2.0 is collaborating with a large number of research institutions and public authorities in Chile, Peru and Ecuador, among others:

Chile: Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres (CIGIDEN), Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública (ONEMI), Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA)

Ecuador: Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT), Servicio Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos y Emergencias (SNGRE), Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN), Instituto de Investigación Geológico y Energético (IIGE)

Peru: Centro Nacional de Estimación, Prevención y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (CENEPRED), Centro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico (CEPLAN), Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (INDECI)



Project Teaser
Project Presenation

Policy Brief

Policy Brief, A4 format
language english; Page 1-7

Policy Brief, screen format
language english; Page 1-7


Brochure „The RIESGOS Project“


FactSheet Earthquake

FactSheet Lahar

FactSheet Volcano

FactSheet Flood

FactSheet Flood risk

FactSheet Tsunami

FactSheet Exposure

FactSheet Vulnerability

FactSheet Critical Infrastructure

FactSheet Demonstrator

FactSheet Application in practice
language Spanish

FactSheet Risk communication
language Spanish

FactSheet Systemic Criticality

FactSheet Gaming Simulations

Special issues in scientific journals



Publications in journals


  • Androsov, A., Harig, S., Zamora, N., Knauer, K., & Rakowsky, N. (2024). Nonlinear processes in tsunami simulations for the Peruvian coast with focus on Lima and Callao. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(5), 1635–1656.

  • Geiß, C., Maier, J., So, E., Schoepfer, E., Harig, S., Gómez Zapata, J. C., & Zhu, Y. (2024). Anticipating a risky future: Long short-term memory (LSTM) models for spatiotemporal extrapolation of population data in areas prone to earthquakes and tsunamis in Lima, Peru. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(3), 1051–1064.

  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., Monsalve, M., Gómez Zapata, J. C., Ferrario, E., Poulos, A., de la Llera, J. C., & Straub, D. (2024). Risk-informed representative earthquake scenarios for Valparaíso and Viña del Mar, Chile. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 1–25.

  • Schoepfer, E., Lauterjung, J., Riedlinger, T., Spahn, H., Gómez Zapata, J. C., León, C. D., Rosero-Velásquez, H., Harig, S., Langbein, M., Brinckmann, N., Strunz, G., Geiß, C., & Taubenböck, H. (2024). Between global risk reduction goals, scientific–technical capabilities and local realities: A modular approach for user-centric multi-risk assessment. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(12), 4631–4660.


  • Aravena Pelizari, P., Geiß, C., Groth, S., & Taubenböck, H. (2023). Deep multitask learning with label interdependency distillation for multicriteria street-level image classification. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 204, 275–290.

  • Feliciano, D., Arroyo, O., Cabrera, T., Contreras, D., Valcárcel Torres, J. A., & Gómez Zapata, J. C. (2023). Seismic risk scenarios for the residential buildings in the Sabana Centro province in Colombia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(5), 1863–1890.

  • Geiß, C., Aravena Pelizari, P., Tunçbilek, O., & Taubenböck, H. (2023). Semi-supervised learning with constrained virtual support vector machines for classification of remote sensing image data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 125, 103571.

  • Geiß, C., Priesmeier, P., Aravena Pelizari, P., Soto Calderon, A. R., Schoepfer, E., Riedlinger, T., Villar Vega, M., Santa María, H., Gómez Zapata, J. C., Pittore, M., So, E., Fekete, A., & Taubenböck, H. (2023). Benefits of global earth observation missions for disaggregation of exposure data and earthquake loss modeling: Evidence from Santiago de Chile. Natural Hazards, 119(2), 779–804.

  • Geiß, C., Schoepfer, E., Riedlinger, T., & Taubenböck, H. (2023). Editorial: Novel tools for multi-risk assessment. Natural Hazards, 119(2), 773–778.

  • Gómez Zapata, J. C., Pittore, M., Brinckmann, N., Lizarazo-Marriaga, J., Medina, S., Tarque, N., & Cotton, F. (2023). Scenario-based multi-risk assessment from existing single-hazard vulnerability models. An application to consecutive earthquakes and tsunamis in Lima, Peru. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(6), 2203–2228.


  • Geiß, C., Priesmeier, P., Aravena Pelizari, P., Soto Calderon, A., R., Schoepfer, E., Riedlinger, T., Villar Vega, M., Santa María, H., Gómez Zapata, J. C., Pittore, M., So, E., Fekete A., & Taubenböck, H. (2022). Benefits of global earth observation missions for disaggregation of exposure data and earthquake loss modeling: evidence from Santiago de Chile. Nat Hazards (2022).

  • Geiß, C., Brzoska, E., Aravena Pelizari, P., Lautenbach, S., & Taubenböck, H. (2022). Multi-target regressor chains with repetitive permutation scheme for characterization of built environments with remote sensing. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 106, 102657.

Geiß, C., Rabuske, A., Aravena Pelizari, P., Bauer, S., & Taubenböck, H. (2022). Selection of unlabeled source domains for domain adaptation in remote sensing. Array, 15, 100233.

  • Gómez Zapata, J. C., Pittore, M., Cotton, F., Lilienkamp, H., Shinde, S., Aguirre, P., & Santa María, H. (2022). Epistemic uncertainty of probabilistic building exposure compositions in scenario-based earthquake loss models. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.

  • Gómez Zapata, J. C., Zafrir, R., Pittore, M., & Merino, Y. (2022). Towards a Sensitivity Analysis in Seismic Risk with Probabilistic Building Exposure Models: An Application in Valparaíso, Chile Using Ancillary Open-Source Data and Parametric Ground Motions. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(2), 113.

  • Harig, S., Zamora, N., Gubler, A., & Rakowsky, N. (2022). Systematic Comparison of Tsunami Simulations on the Chilean Coast Based on Different Numerical Approaches. GeoHazards, 3(2), Article 2.

  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2022). Selection of representative natural hazard scenarios for engineering systems. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics.

  • Strunz, G., Schöpfer, E., Geiß, C., Riedlinger, T., Lauterjung, J. & Spahn, H. (2022). Multi-Risikobewertung in der Andenregion – Forschung, Entwicklung und praktische Anwendung. Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 1/2022, 63-70.


  • Aravena Pelizari, P., Geiß, C., Aguirre, P., Santa María, H., Merino Peña, Y., & Taubenböck, H. (2021). Automated building characterization for seismic risk assessment using street-level imagery and deep learning. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 180, 370–386.

  • Brill, F., Schlaffer, S., Martinis, S., Schröter, K., & Kreibich, H. (2021). Extrapolating Satellite-Based Flood Masks by One-Class Classification—A Test Case in Houston. Remote Sensing, 13(11), 2042.

  • Frimberger, T., Andrade, S. D., Weber, S., & Krautblatter, M. (2021). Modelling future lahars controlled by different volcanic eruption scenarios at Cotopaxi (Ecuador) calibrated with the massively destructive 1877 lahar. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(3), 680–700.

  • Gomez-Zapata, J. C., Brinckmann, N., Harig, S., Zafrir, R., Pittore, M., Cotton, F., & Babeyko, A. (2021). Variable-resolution building exposure modelling for earthquake and tsunami scenario-based risk assessment. An application case in Lima, Peru. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 1–30.

  • Gomez-Zapata, J. C., Parrado, C., Frimberger, T., Barragán-Ochoa, F., Brill, F., Büche, K., Krautblatter, M., Langbein, M., Pittore, M., Rosero-Velásquez, H., Schoepfer, E., Spahn, H., & Zapata-Tapia, C. (2021). Community Perception and Communication of Volcanic Risk from the Cotopaxi Volcano in Latacunga, Ecuador. Sustainability, 13(4), 1714.

  • Greiving, S., Fleischhauer, M., León, C. D., Schödl, L., Wachinger, G., Quintana Miralles, I. K., & Prado Larraín, B. (2021). Participatory Assessment of Multi Risks in Urban Regions—The Case of Critical Infrastructures in Metropolitan Lima. Sustainability, 13(5), 2813.

  • Greiving, S., Schödl, L., Gaudry, K.-H., Quintana Miralles, I. K., Prado Larraín, B., Fleischhauer, M., Jácome Guerra, M. M., & Tobar, J. (2021). Multi-Risk Assessment and Management—A Comparative Study of the Current State of Affairs in Chile and Ecuador. Sustainability, 13(3), 1366.

  • Kruse, P. M., Schmitt, H. C., & Greiving, S. (2021). Systemic criticality—A new assessment concept improving the evidence basis for CI protection. Climatic Change, 165(1), 2.


  • Brill, F., Pineda, S. P., Cuya, B. E., & Kreibich, H. (2020). A data-mining approach towards damage modelling for El Niño events in Peru. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 11(1), 1966–1990.

  • Geiß, C., Aravena Pelizari, P., Bauer, S., Schmitt, A., & Taubenböck, H. (2020). Automatic Training Set Compilation With Multisource Geodata for DTM Generation From the TanDEM-X DSM. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 17(3), 456–460.

  • Geiß, C., Schrade, H., Aravena Pelizari, P., & Taubenböck, H. (2020). Multistrategy ensemble regression for mapping of built-up density and height with Sentinel-2 data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 170, 57–71.

  • Geiß, C., Zhu, Y., Qiu, C., Mou, L., Zhu, X. X., & Taubenböck, H. (2020). Deep Relearning in the Geospatial Domain for Semantic Remote Sensing Image Segmentation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 1–5.

  • Merz, B., Kuhlicke, C., Kunz, M., Pittore, M., Babeyko, A., Bresch, D. N., Domeisen, D. I. V., Feser, F., Koszalka, I., Kreibich, H., Pantillon, F., Parolai, S., Pinto, J. G., Punge, H. J., Rivalta, E., Schröter, K., Strehlow, K., Weisse, R., & Wurpts, A. (2020). Impact Forecasting to Support Emergency Management of Natural Hazards. Reviews of Geophysics, 58(4), e2020RG000704.


  • Geiß, C., Leichtle, T., Wurm, M., Pelizari, P. A., Standfuß, I., Zhu, X. X., So, E., Siedentop, S., Esch, T., & Taubenböck, H. (2019). Large-Area Characterization of Urban Morphology—Mapping of Built-Up Height and Density Using TanDEM-X and Sentinel-2 Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(8), 2912–2927.

  • Schöpfer, E., Aravena Pelizari, P., Geiß, C., Riedlinger, T., & Taubenböck, H. (2019). Was passiert, wenn… Exposition und Vulnerabilität urbaner Räume gegenüber Naturgefahren. Transforming Cities, 2, 38-42, Trialog Publishers, ISSN 2366-7281.


  • Pittore, M., Haas, M., & Megalooikonomou, K. G. (2018). Risk-Oriented, Bottom-Up Modeling of Building Portfolios With Faceted Taxonomies. Frontiers in Built Environment, 4.

  • Plank, S., Nolde, M., Richter, R., Fischer, C., Martinis, S., Riedlinger, T., Schoepfer, E., & Klein, D. (2018). Monitoring of the 2015 Villarrica Volcano Eruption by Means of DLR’s Experimental TET-1 Satellite. Remote Sensing, 10(9), 1379.

  • Wieland, M., Li, Y., & Martinis, S. (2019). Multi-sensor cloud and cloud shadow segmentation with a convolutional neural network. Remote Sensing of Environment, 230, 111203.

  • Wieland, M., & Martinis, S. (2019). A Modular Processing Chain for Automated Flood Monitoring from Multi-Spectral Satellite Data. Remote Sensing, 11(19), 2330.

  • Wieland, M., Martinis, S., & Li, Y. (2019). Semantic segmentation of water bodies in multi-spectral satellite images for situational awareness in emergency response. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-2/W16, 273–277.

Contributions at conferences/congresses/workshops


  • Brinckmann, N., Langbein, M., Proß, B., Vogt, A., & Schöpfer, E. (2024). Implementing a Distributed Processing Framework for Multi-Risk Analysis—A Lessons Learned Perspective. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online.


  • Androsov, A., Harig, S., & Zamora, N. (2023). Nonlinear processes in tsunami simulations for the Peruvian coast with a focus on Lima/Callao (No. EGU23-6414). EGU23. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Frimberger, T., & Krautblatter, M. (2023). Deciphering controls of secondary lahars related to glacier recession and permafrost degradation at Chimborazo and Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. 6th World Landslide Forum, Florence, Italy.

  • Geiß, C., Maier, J., So, E., & Zhu, Y. (2023). LSTM models for spatiotemporal extrapolation of population data. 2023 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), 1–4.

  • Gomez- Zapata, J. C., Pittore, M., Brinckmann, N., Lizarazo, J. M., Tarque, N., & Cotton, F. (2023). Scenario-based multi-hazard risk assessment from existing single-hazard fragility models. An application to residential building portfolios subjected to consecutive hazards. XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berlin, Germany.

  • Pittore, M., Zapata, J. C. G., Geiß, C., Campalani, P., & Renner, K. (2023). Advancing exposure modelling from seismic risk to multi-hazard analysis in urban and metropolitan areas. EGU23, Vienna, Austria & Online.

  • Proß, B. (2023). Addressing Disasters Together – Two European Project perspectives. 125th OGC Member Meeting, Frascati, Italy.

  • Proß, B., & Tillman, S. (2023). OGC API – Processes. 125th OGC Member Meeting, Frascati, Italy.

  • Wachinger, G., & León, C. D. (2023). Opportunities and barriers for effective communication of natural hazards: Cross-cultural experiences. 33rd European Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL 2023), Southhampton, UK.


  • Frimberger, T., & Krautblatter, M. (2022). Investigating subsurface conditions favouring the formation of secondary lahars in the glacier forefields of Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & Online.

  • Geiß, C., Pelizari, P. A., Priesmeier, P., Rocio, A., Calderon, S., Schoepfer, E., Langbein, M., Riedlinger, T., María, H. S., Zapata, J. C. G., Pittore, M., & Taubenböck, H. (2022). Earth observation-based disaggregation of exposure data for earthquake loss modeling. 2022 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Online.

  • Gomez Zapata, J. C., Pittore, M., Brinckmann, N., Cotton, F., Lizarazo, J. M., Medina, S., & Tarque, N. (2022). Dynamic vulnerability for multi-hazard risk scenarios, the case of consecutive earthquakes and tsunamis in Lima, Peru. 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC 2022), Athens, Greece.

  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2022). Comparative Assessment of Models of Cascading Failures in Power Networks Under Seismic Hazard. Proc. European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL, 2022.


  • Aravena Pelizari, P., Geiß, C., Schoepfer, E., Riedlinger, T., Aguirre, P., María, H. S., Peña, Y. M., Zapata, J. C. G., Pittore, M., & Taubenböck, H. (2021). Street-Level Imagery and Deep Learning for Characterization of Exposed Buildings (Nr. EGU21-9903). EGU21. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Frimberger, Theresa, Andrade, D., & Krautblatter, M. (2021). Towards a better understanding of the role of glacier retreat and permafrost degradation in triggering secondary lahars (Nr. EGU21-13502). EGU21. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Frimberger, T., & Krautblatter, M. (2021). Lahar hazards at Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador) controlled by volcanic eruptions and glacier retreat. Mid-European Geomorphology Meeting 2021, Munich, Germany.

  • Geiß, C., Pelizari, P. A., Priesmeier, P., Calderon, A. R. S., Schoepfer, E., Langbein, M., Riedlinger, T., María, H. S., Zapata, J. C. G., Pittore, M., & Taubenböck, H. (2021). Earth Observation Techniques for Spatial Disaggregation of Exposure Data  (Nr. EGU21-8574). EGU21. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2021). Optimizing Recovery Strategies for Interdependent Lifeline Systems Exposed to a Natural Hazard. 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2021), Angers, France.


  • Brill, F., & Kreibich, H. (2020). A data-mining approach to investigate El Niño damage in Peru (Nr. EGU2020-10025). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Brinckmann, N., Pittore, M., Rüster, M., Proß, B., & Gomez-Zapata, J. C. (2020). Put your models in the web—Less painful (Nr. EGU2020-8671). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Frimberger, Theresa, Petry, F., & Krautblatter, M. (2020). Assessing lahar hazards at Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador) controlled by volcanic eruptions and glacier retreat (Nr. EGU2020-18219). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Gomez-Zapata, J. C., Pittore, M., Brinckmann, N., & Shinde, S. (2020). Dynamic physical vulnerability: A Multi-risk Scenario approach from building- single- hazard fragility- models (Nr. EGU2020-18379). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Harig, S., Zamora, N., Gubler, A., & Rakowsky, N. (2020). Systematic comparison of different numerical approaches for tsunami simulations at the Chilean coast as part of the RIESGOS project (No. EGU2020-6764). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Langbein, M., Zapata, J. C. G.-, Frimberger, T., Brinckmann, N., Corredor, R. T.-, Andrade, D., Tapia, C. Z.-, Pittore, M., & Schoepfer, E. (2020). Scenario- based multi- risk assessment on exposed buildings to volcanic cascading hazards (Nr. EGU2020-19861). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Pittore, M., Zapata, J. C. G., Brinckmann, N., Weatherill, G., Babeyko, A., Harig, S., Mahdavi, A., Proß, B., Velasquez, H. F. R., Straub, D., Krautblatter, M., Frimberger, T., Langbein, M., Geiß, C., & Schoepfer, E. (2020). Towards an integrated framework for distributed, modular multi-risk scenario assessment (Nr. EGU2020-19097). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2020). *Selecting Representative Natural Hazard Scenarios for Engineering Systems with Inverse FORM. *30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic and Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Venice, Italy, November, 1-5, 2020.

  • Shinde, S., Zapata, J. C. G.-, Pittore, M., Arroyo, O., Peña, Y. M.-, Aguirre, P., & María, H. S. (2020). Development of multi-hazard exposure models from individual building observations for multi-risk assessment purposes (Nr. EGU2020-11719). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.

  • Zafrir, R., Pittore, M., Zapata, J. C. G.-, Aravena, P., & Geiß, C. (2020). Bayesian downscaling of building exposure models with remote sensing and ancillary information (Nr. EGU2020-18240). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.


  • Brill, F., & Kreibich, H. (2019). Feature-engineering from spatial data for adding process information. 5th International Young Earth Scientists (YES) Congress, Berlin, Germany, September 9-13, 2019.

  • Frimberger, T., Petry, F., & Krautblatter, M. (2019): Constraining mechanical parameters for modelling syneruptive lahars at Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Conference on Early warning systems for debris flows, Bozen, Italy, October 16-18, 2019.

  • Frimberger, T., Petry, F., & Krautblatter, M. (2019). Modeling Syneruptive Lahars at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador: Advantages and Uncertainties. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 44.…08F

  • Geiß, C., Leichtle, T., Wurm, M., Aravena Pelizari, P., Standfuß, I., Zhu, X. X., So, E., Siedentop, S., Esch, T., & Taubenböck, H. (2019). Characterization of Built Environments with TanDEM-X and Sentinel-2. TerraSAR-X / TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, October 21-24, 2019.

  • Plank, S., Martinis, S., & Richter, R. (2019). Thermal remote sensing of volcanoes by means of DLR’s FireBIRD mission – a case study of the 2015 Villarrica Volcano eruption, Chile. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milan, Italy, May, 13-17, 2019.

  • Proß, B. (2019). OGC API for Processes. OGC API Hackathon, London, UK, June 20-21, 2019.

  • Proß, B., Babeyko, A., Pittore, M., Lauterjung, J., Jirka, S., Mandery, N., Friedemann, M., Riedlinger, T., Geiß, C., Spahn, H., & Schöpfer, E. (2019). Simulating extreme multi-hazard events with decentralized Web-processing services: Towards a better understanding of cascading impact. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7 April–12 Apr 2019, EGU2019-16683.

  • Raab, T., & Krautblatter, M. (2019). Syneruptive and climatically induced lahars at Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7 April–12 Apr 2019, EGU2019-17123.

  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2019). Selecting Representative Natural Hazard Scenarios for Risk Management of Lifeline Systems. International Forum of Engineering Decision Making, Manly, Australia, December, 11-14, 2019.

  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2019). Selecting Representative Scenarios for Contingency Analysis of Infrastructure Systems with Dependent Component Failures. 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13), Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, 2019.

  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2019). Representative Natural Hazard Scenarios for Risk Assessment of Spatially Distributed Infrastructure Systems. 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Hannover, Germany, September, 22-26, 2019.


  • Brill, F., & Kreibich, H. (2018). Data mining and model development to predict flood-induced structural damage. International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World, Potsdam, Germany, October 4-5, 2018.

  • Geiß, C., Riedlinger, T., Aravena Pelizari, P., Schoepfer, E., & Taubenböck, H. (2018). Mapping elements at risk using earth observation data and volunteered geographic information. GI_Forum Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, July, 3-6, 2018.

  • Geiß, C., Schrade, H., & Taubenböck, H. (2018). Boosted Machine Learning Ensemble Regression with Decision Fusion Strategy for Mapping Built-up Height and Built-up Density with OpenStreetMap Data And Sentinel-2 Imagery. 5th EARSeL Joint Workshop Urban Remote Sensing – Challenges & Solutions, Bochum, Germany, September 24-26, 2018.

  • Raab, T., & Krautblatter, M. (2018): Syneruptive and climatically induced lahars at Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences, Giessen, Germany, September, 23-27, 2018.

  • Schoepfer, E., Lauterjung, J., Kreibich, H., Rakowsky, N., Krautblatter, M., Straub, D., Stasch, C., Jäger, S., Knauer, K., Greiving, S., León, C., Spahn, H., & Riedlinger, T. (2018). Research towards improved management of natural disasters including strategies to reduce cascading effects. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8 April–13 Apr 2018, EGU2018-14801.

  • Schoepfer, E., Geiß, C., Lauterjung, J., Rakowsky, N., Krautblatter, M., Straub, D., Stasch, C., Jäger, S., Knauer, K., Greiving, S., Leon, C., Spahn, H., & Riedlinger, T. (2018). From single-hazard to multi-hazard risk assessment including the analysis of dynamic exposure and vulnerability aimed at the modelling of cascading effects. International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World, Potsdam, Germany, October 4-5, 2018.




  • Aravena Pelizari, P., Geiß, C., Schoepfer, E., Riedlinger, T., Aguirre, P., Santa María, H., Peña, Y. M., Zapata, J. C. G., Pittore, M., & Taubenböck, H. (2021). Street-Level Imagery and Deep Learning for Characterization of Exposed Buildings (Nr. EGU21-9903). EGU21. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Frimberger, Theresa, Andrade, D., & Krautblatter, M. (2021). Towards a better understanding of the role of glacier retreat and permafrost degradation in triggering secondary lahars (Nr. EGU21-13502). EGU21. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Geiß, C., Pelizari, P. A., Priesmeier, P., Soto Calderon, A. R., Schoepfer, E., Langbein, M., Riedlinger, T., Santa María, H., Zapata, J. C. G., Pittore, M., & Taubenböck, H. (2021). Earth Observation Techniques for Spatial Disaggregation of Exposure Data  (Nr. EGU21-8574). EGU21. Copernicus Meetings.


  • Brill, F., & Kreibich, H. (2020). A data-mining approach to investigate El Niño damage in Peru (Nr. EGU2020-10025). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Brinckmann, N., Pittore, M., Rüster, M., Proß, B., & Gomez-Zapata, J. C. (2020). Put your models in the web—Less painful (Nr. EGU2020-8671). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Frimberger, Theresa, Petry, F., & Krautblatter, M. (2020). Assessing lahar hazards at Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador) controlled by volcanic eruptions and glacier retreat (Nr. EGU2020-18219). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Gomez-Zapata, J. C., Pittore, M., Brinckmann, N., & Shinde, S. (2020). Dynamic physical vulnerability: A Multi-risk Scenario approach from building- single- hazard fragility- models (Nr. EGU2020-18379). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Harig, S., Zamora, N., Gubler, A., & Rakowsky, N. (2020). Systematic comparison of different numerical approaches for tsunami simulations at the Chilean coast as part of the RIESGOS project (No. EGU2020-6764). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Langbein, M., Zapata, J. C. G.-, Frimberger, T., Brinckmann, N., Corredor, R. T.-, Andrade, D., Tapia, C. Z.-, Pittore, M., & Schoepfer, E. (2020). Scenario- based multi- risk assessment on exposed buildings to volcanic cascading hazards (Nr. EGU2020-19861). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Pittore, M., Zapata, J. C. G., Brinckmann, N., Weatherill, G., Babeyko, A., Harig, S., Mahdavi, A., Proß, B., Velasquez, H. F. R., Straub, D., Krautblatter, M., Frimberger, T., Langbein, M., Geiß, C., & Schoepfer, E. (2020). Towards an integrated framework for distributed, modular multi-risk scenario assessment (Nr. EGU2020-19097). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2020). Selecting Representative Natural Hazard Scenarios for Engineering Systems with Inverse FORM. 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic and Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Venice, Italy, November, 1-5, 2020.
  • Shinde, S., Zapata, J. C. G.-, Pittore, M., Arroyo, O., Peña, Y. M.-, Aguirre, P., & Santa María, H. (2020). Development of multi-hazard exposure models from individual building observations for multi-risk assessment purposes (Nr. EGU2020-11719). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.
  • Zafrir, R., Pittore, M., Zapata, J. C. G.-, Aravena, P., & Geiß, C. (2020). Bayesian downscaling of building exposure models with remote sensing and ancillary information (Nr. EGU2020-18240). EGU2020. Copernicus Meetings.


  • Brill, F., & Kreibich, H. (2019). Feature-engineering from spatial data for adding process information. 5th International Young Earth Scientists (YES) Congress, Berlin, Germany, September 9-13, 2019.
  • Frimberger, T., Petry, F., & Krautblatter, M. (2019). Constraining mechanical parameters for modelling syneruptive lahars at Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Conference on Early warning systems for debris flows, Bozen, Italy, October 16-18, 2019.
  • Frimberger, T., Petry, F., & Krautblatter, M. (2019). Modeling Syneruptive Lahars at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador: Advantages and Uncertainties. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 44.
  • Geiß, C., Leichtle, T., Wurm, M., Aravena Pelizari, P., Standfuß, I., Zhu, X. X., So, E., Siedentop, S., Esch, T., & Taubenböck, H. (2019). Characterization of Built Environments with TanDEM-X and Sentinel-2. TerraSAR-X / TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, October 21-24, 2019.
  • Plank, S., Martinis, S., & Richter, R. (2019). Thermal remote sensing of volcanoes by means of DLR’s FireBIRD mission – a case study of the 2015 Villarrica Volcano eruption, Chile. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2019, Milan, Italy, May, 13-17, 2019.
  • Proß, B. (2019). OGC API for Processes. OGC API Hackathon, London, UK, June 20-21, 2019.
  • Proß, B., Babeyko, A., Pittore, M., Lauterjung, J., Jirka, S., Mandery, N., Friedemann, M., Riedlinger, T., Geiß, C., Spahn, H., & Schöpfer, E. (2019). Simulating extreme multi-hazard events with decentralized Web-processing services: Towards a better understanding of cascading impact. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7 April–12 Apr 2019, EGU2019-16683.
  • Raab, T., & Krautblatter, M. (2019). Syneruptive and climatically induced lahars at Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7 April–12 Apr 2019, EGU2019-17123.
  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2019). Selecting Representative Natural Hazard Scenarios for Risk Management of Lifeline Systems. International Forum of Engineering Decision Making, Manly, Australia, December, 11-14, 2019.
  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2019). Selecting Representative Scenarios for Contingency Analysis of Infrastructure Systems with Dependent Component Failures. 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13), Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, 2019.
  • Rosero-Velásquez, H., & Straub, D. (2019). Representative Natural Hazard Scenarios for Risk Assessment of Spatially Distributed Infrastructure Systems. 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Hannover, Germany, September, 22-26, 2019.


  • Brill, F., & Kreibich, H. (2018). Data mining and model development to predict flood-induced structural damage. International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World, Potsdam, Germany, October 4-5, 2018.
  • Geiß, C., Riedlinger, T., Aravena Pelizari, P., Schoepfer, E., & Taubenböck, H. (2018). Mapping elements at risk using earth observation data and volunteered geographic information. GI_Forum Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, July, 3-6, 2018.
  • Geiß, C., Schrade, H., & Taubenböck, H. (2018). Boosted Machine Learning Ensemble Regression with Decision Fusion Strategy for Mapping Built-up Height and Built-up Density with OpenStreetMap Data And Sentinel-2 Imagery. 5th EARSeL Joint Workshop Urban Remote Sensing – Challenges & Solutions, Bochum, Germany, September 24-26, 2018.
  • Raab, T., & Krautblatter, M. (2018). Syneruptive and climatically induced lahars at Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador. Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences, Giessen, Germany, September, 23-27, 2018.
  • Schoepfer, E., Lauterjung, J., Kreibich, H., Rakowsky, N., Krautblatter, M., Straub, D., Stasch, C., Jäger, S., Knauer, K., Greiving, S., León, C., Spahn, H., & Riedlinger, T. (2018). Research towards improved management of natural disasters including strategies to reduce cascading effects. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8 April–13 Apr 2018, EGU2018-14801.
  • Schoepfer, E., Geiß, C., Lauterjung, J., Rakowsky, N., Krautblatter, M., Straub, D., Stasch, C., Jäger, S., Knauer, K., Greiving, S., Leon, C., Spahn, H., & Riedlinger, T. (2018). From single-hazard to multi-hazard risk assessment including the analysis of dynamic exposure and vulnerability aimed at the modelling of cascading effects. International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World, Potsdam, Germany, October 4-5, 2018.


For any questions please contact:

Dr. Elisabeth Schoepfer
German Aerospace Center
Earth Observation Center
Muenchener Strasse 20
82234 Wessling
Email: elisabeth.schoepfer [at]